
Leader Care is a ministry of encouragement and support. It was established to provide a comforting presence, a listening ear and material resources where needed.

In the strictest confidence, our six facilitators are available to meet with and resource ministry leaders needing personal or family help, as well as for congregations seeking to assist those who care among them.


Major Depressive Disorder is the most common mood disorder in the US:
The "common cold" of behavioral science.
20% of women and 5% of men will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime.

Depressed mood
Lack of organization
Lack of motivation
Sleep disturbances (early morning insomnia)
Lack of sex drive
Sense of hopelessness
Gain/loss in weight (more than 5% in 6 months)
Decrease/increase in appetite

Beck Depression Inventory

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse: A failure to fulfill major role obligations at work or home, repeatedly use in dangerous situations and have recurrent legal or social and interpersonal problems.
Substance Dependence: In addition to above, demonstrates increased tolerance to alcohol and more severe withdrawal symptoms.

“CAGE” Substance Abuse Assessment Questionnaire

Have you ever . . .
C – Felt the need to CUT down your drinking?
A – Become ANNOYED when others ask you about your drinking?
G – Felt GUILTY about your drinking?
E – Needed to take an EYE OPENER to start your day?

Child Abuse

Pastors are mandated reporters of child abuse in Arizona. Report child abuse confidentially to (888) 767-3445. For more information, visit the Department of Child Safety (DCS).
Physical Abuse: Intentional infliction of physical injury. Signs or symptoms may include repeated injuries as evidenced by bruising, broken bones, burns, head injuries, etc.
Sexual Abuse: Exposing or involving children in age-inappropriate sexual content or behaviors, including: fondling, genital contact, exposing oneself, viewing pornography, etc.
Psychological Abuse: Verbal attacks and threats. Victims can become withdrawn and shy and can also exhibit exaggerated startle reflexes.
Neglect: Engaging in acts or omissions that deprive a child of basic safety, nutrition, hygiene, medical needs, educational needs, mental health and other needs.

Learn More

Intimate Partner Abuse

Any type of actual or threatened physical, emotional, or sexual abuse against a partner by the other partner in a romantic relationship such as dating, marriage or civil union.
Physical: Hitting, kicking, choking, pushing, throwing objects at partner.
Emotional: Isolating from family and friends, name-calling (or other verbal threats), intense jealousy, stalking, seeking to control (coming and going, email, cell phone, etc.).
Sexual: Threatened or actual sexual assault, sexual humiliation, non-consensual sexual activity.

Suicidal Ideations

Suicidal Ideations: Any suicidal expression or ideation is to be taken seriously.
Fallacy: "Talking about it makes it more likely to happen."

Plan – "How would you go about ending your life?"
Means – Does the individual have the means to carry out the plan?
Specificity – How specific is the plan? (The more specific, the more likely the individual is going to carry out the plan.)
Impulsivity – How impulsive do you judge the individual to be?

If you deem the individual to be an imminent threat:
Call 911
Take the individual to the local emergency room or crisis center