
There are over 400 Southern Baptist senior pastors in Arizona. There are also numerous support staff and their associated families. This need exceeds the capacity of our facilitators. You can make meaningful contact with a fellow pastor, ministerial staff or their families. If we consider that beyond our own fold, there are thousands of pastors and ministry leaders in evangelical churches facing similar issues, you understand the challenge.


Pastors serve at the intersection of society and the Kingdom. As such, they need wisdom and guidance as they lead. They also have the responsibility for the soul care of themselves and their families. You can pray for your pastor, as well as others who serve. Pray, as Paul said, that “whenever [they] speak, words may be given . . . so [they] will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel” (Eph. 6:19). Pray for Leader Care as we make contact with pastors and their families.

Become a Mentor

Currently, in Arizona, there is a large contingent of pastors over 50 years old as well as a sizable group under 30. Soon, many years of training and experience will pass into retirement. Those vacancies will be filled by younger pastors. Today, you have the opportunity to invest in the life of a fellow servant. Make yourself available to listen and encourage those who travel after you in this Kingdom venture. If you are younger, reach out and build connections with those God has used to prepare the fields and people you serve.

Host a Group

It is said, “it is lonely at the top.” While this is often found to be true among those in business, it should not be the case in the community of faith. As part of the Body of Christ, by the Spirit, you share a union with the Father and Jesus. Paul admonishes that since, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also [we] were called in one hope of [our] calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” Then we should be “diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:4-6 & 3).

Host a group of fellow pastors. It need not be a fancy affair. Just a setting to have refreshments and talk, not about church, but about life and the Lord. You can invite a Leader Care representative to facilitate this meeting. Just reach out to us. We’d be glad to help.

Encourage a Fellow Pastor

The difference a note, text, email or phone call makes is impossible to tell. It has to be the simplest means of service there is. Take the time to lift your head from the tasks around you and reach out to another. It need not be a major undertaking. Just a few minutes of your time to let a fellow soldier of the cross know that someone is thinking and praying for them.